by John Carr
You have wanted and needed to update your kitchen. The appliances are 15 years old, or more. The counter tops are stained and you can’t keep them clean. The linoleum on your floors is coming up at the edges, and your cabinet doors just don’t hang right anymore. I’d...
by John Carr
Are you ready for snow? Most of us in the South are not. We don’t always trust the weather forecasts, because most of the time, they are not accurate. But, have you rushed to the store at the last minute to get items to stock up on? Here is a...
by John Carr
After you have completed your checklist for the outside of your home, don’t forget the one for the inside. This is a good time to check your smoke alarms and CO2 detectors. House fires occur more during the winter season, plus with closed up homes and the heat on can...
by John Carr
We all dread the cold. We get out the coats, the hats, gloves and sometimes even the long underwear. Unfortunately, we sometimes fail to do the same with our home. Since your home is more than likely your largest investment here are some tips that may help you prepare...